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Master of Business Administration
Study an MBA in Cape Town, South Africa’s most beautiful city, at a globally-ranked business school with a world-class reputation. We are one of less than
VisitExecutive Master of Business Administration
The Executive Management MBA (EMBA) at the UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) is ranked top in Africa, and 45th worldwide
VisitDeveloping Women in Leadership
The Developing Women in Leadership short course at the UCT Graduate School of Business is designed for aspiring women leaders.
VisitThe New Manager
The New Manager course at the UCT Graduate School of Business is designed to equip first-time or experienced managers with crucial management skills.
VisitProgramme for Management Development
The Programme for Management Development is aimed at middle and senior managers who are ready to step up to the next level of leadership.
VisitExecutive Development Programme
The UCT GSB Executive Development Programme equips executives and senior managers by exploring best management practices and the latest strategies.
VisitValues-Based Leadership
The UCT GSB Values-Based Leadership short course will help senior leaders and executives develop a leadership style that will help motivate their teams.
VisitDigital Transformation Strategy
The UCT GSB Digital Transformation Strategy short course is designed for leaders, change agents and managers to develop a strategy for their organisations.
VisitProfessional Coaching Course
The Professional Coaching Course is an International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Programme.
VisitFinance for Non-Financial Managers
The UCT GSB Finance for Non-Financial Managers short course is ideal for finance beginners as no prior exposure to accounting or finance is necessary.
VisitDesign Thinking in Practice
Develop practical solutions for complex problems with the Design Thinking in Practice programme.
VisitSystems Change and Social Impact
The Systems Change and Social Impact course equips participants with tools to navigate complexity and strengthen their capacity transformative leadership.
VisitImpact Investing in Africa: Live Online
Impact Investing in Africa is a short course, offered by the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the UCT GSB, designed to equip fun
VisitImpact Investing in Africa
Impact Investing in Africa is a short course designed to equip fund managers, asset owners, consultants and other financial intermediaries with expertise.
VisitFinance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Investment
Finance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Investment in Africa short course teaches the theory and practice of power sector financing.
VisitManaging New Power Markets and Regulation in Africa
The Managing New Power Markets and Regulation in Africa course teaches African and international new power markets best practices.
VisitProperty Development Programme
The Property Development programme teaches delegates crucial skills to advance in the commercial and industrial property sectors of South Africa.
VisitThe Business of Wine
The Business of Wine short course teaches crucial market insight, business acumen and the leadership skills in a competitive wine industry.
VisitBertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The Bertha Centre at the University of Cape Town is the first academic centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship.
The Lean Institute Africa, an initiative of the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, advances lean thinking and practices in Africa.
VisitDevelopment Finance Centre
The Development Finance Centre at the University of Cape Town facilitates the growth of local and international development finance expertise.
The Power Futures Lab at the University of Cape Town develops targeted learning and development opportunities for professionals in the energy sector.
VisitDevelopment Finance Centre Research Focus
The Development Finance Centre at the University of Cape Town facilitates the growth of local and international development finance expertise.
VisitDevelopment Finance Centre Publications
The Development Finance Centre at the University of Cape Town facilitates the growth of local and international development finance expertise.
VisitCase Writing Centre
The University of Cape Town GSB Case Writing Centre generates excellent teaching cases that reflect the African and the emerging market context.
VisitDevelopment Finance Centre Journals
Explore development finance journals recommended by the Development Finance Centre at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business.
VisitSolution Space
The Solution Space at the University of Cape Town is an ecosystem for early-stage startups. It is located at the Breakwater Campus and Philippi Village hub
VisitAllan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership
Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership at the University of Cape Town challenges organisations and individuals with purpose, and resilience.
VisitAllan Gray Centre Research Focus
Research at the Allan Gray Centre focuses on the challenging organisations and individuals with purpose, resilience, and responsible practices.
VisitAllan Gray Centre Postgraduate Supervision
Faculty of the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership supervise international and local PhD theses as well as UCT GSB MBA and EMBA dissertations.
The Power Futures Lab offers short courses at the UCT Graduate School of Business.
VisitAllan Gray Centre Programmes
Faculty of the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership teach on UCT GSB postgraduate programmes and executive education short courses.
VisitAllan Gray Centre Publications
Faculty of the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership at the UCT GSB are experts in 20 core research focus areas.
The Power Futures Lab faculty at the UCT GSB have been published in a wide range of journals and in the media.
Links to useful resources recommended by the UCT GSB Power Futures Lab about related courses and multilateral links.
VisitInternational Student Visa Requirements
UCT GSB international students are required to apply for a study visa endorsed for studies at UCT.
VisitUCT GSB Year in Review
The UCT GSB Year in Review is annual publication that provides an overview of all the school’s highlights and achievements in one place.
Subscribe to the UCT GSB newsletters to get the latest news and thought leadership in your inbox.
VisitUCT GSB Management Committee
Learn about the UCT Graduate School of Business’ strategic leadership and administrative management team
VisitFull-time Faculty
Learn about the core faculty of the UCT Graduate School of Business - find out about their qualifications and experience in their fields.
VisitEmeritus Faculty
Learn about the emeritus faculty of the UCT Graduate School of Business - find out about their qualifications and experience in their fields.
VisitAdjunct Faculty
Learn about the adjunct faculty of the UCT Graduate School of Business - find out about their qualifications and experience in their fields.
VisitPGDIP Management Practice
This accredited postgraduate qualification develops the vital business skills needed for success in uncertain economic times.
VisitEMBA Entrance Requirements
Do you meet the entrance requirements for the Executive MBA programme at UCT GSB?
VisitEMBA Curriculum
The Executive MBA programme curriculum at UCT GSB expands your skills exponentially.
VisitPGDIP Entrance Requirements
Do you meet the entrance requirements for a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice from UCT GSB?
VisitPGDIP in management practice term dates
The UCT GSB Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice runs two intakes per year.
VisitPGDIP Fees
If you are ambitious manager, you can derive instant benefit from the skills taught on the UCT GSB PGDip in Management Practice at reasonable cost.
VisitPGDip in Management Practice Curiculum
The PGDip in Management Practice curriculum focuses on leadership skills, business acumen in the emerging markets in context.
VisitEnglish Language Requirements
All applicants must show evidence of proficiency in English and must submit evidence of this as part of their application.
VisitRecognition of Prior Learning
Applicants who do not meet the UCT GSB entrance requirements for the intended academic programme they wish to study can apply as RPL candidates.
VisitMCom in Development Finance
Hone your financial skills for emerging markets and influence change with a Master of Commerce in Development Finance from the UCT GSB.
VisitMCOM Entrance Requirements
If you have either a finance-related degree or work experience in the field, you qualify to obtain an MCom in Development Finance from the UCT GSB.
VisitMCOM Fees
The UCT GSB MCOM Development Finance fees are offered in rates for South African and international students.
VisitMCOM Term Dates
Attend classes at the UCT GSB twice annually to graduate with an MCom in Development Finance.
VisitMCOM Curriculum
The comprehensive MCom in Development Finance at UCT GSB gives you the expertise you need to engage in a challenging field.
VisitCareer Leadership Centre
UCT Graduate School of Business provides support and expert advice to students and graduates to help them on their career journey.
VisitDevelopment Finance Centre People
The Development Finance Centre at the University of Cape Town facilitates the growth of local and international development finance expertise.
VisitDigital Interview Coaching
Learn how to ace pre-recorded and live digital interviews with the UCT GSB in partnership with HireVue.
VisitMPhil in Inclusive Innovation
Develop novel and sustainable solutions with the UCT GSB MPhil in Inclusive Innovation.
VisitMPhil Entrance Requirements
Find out the entrance requirements needed to study the MPhil in Inclusive Innovation.
VisitMPHIL Fees and Funding
The UCT GSB MPHIL fees are offered in rates for South African and international students.
VisitPGDip Development Finance
Develop a solid foundation in Development Finance with a Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance from the UCT GSB.
VisitPGDip Development Finance Entrance Requirements
Find out the entrance requirements needed in order to qualify for a PGDip in Development Finance.
VisitPGDip Development Finance Fees
The?UCT GSB?PGDIP Development Finance fees are offered in?rates for South African and international students.?
VisitPGDip Development Finance Curriculum
Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance curriculum includes five compulsory courses.
Gain the necessary skills to work anywhere in the world with the UCT GSB CEMS Master of Management specialising in International Management (MIM)
VisitCEMS MIM Entrance Requirements
Discover what is required to gain entry into the UCT GSB CEMS Master of Management specialising in International Management (MIM)
CEMS MIM fees are presented in different rates for South Africa and International students.
The UCT GSB PHD in Business Administration is an internationally recognised and respected qualification. Join a community of UCT researchers.
VisitPhD Entrance Requirements
Find out the entrance requirements needed to study qualify for a PhD at the UCT GSB.
VisitPHD - How to apply
To apply for the UCT GSB PHD follow our simple, step-by-step instructions with full support from the admissions team.
VisitPHD Fees
UCT GSB PHD in Business Administration fees are quoted for one year and are subject to annual increase.
VisitModified Career Path Appreciation
A MCPA is an interview methodology designed to identify an individual’s capability to work at predetermined levels of complexity.
VisitStudy Tours
The UCT Graduate School of Business offers international universities an opportunity to experience the UCT GSB through study tours.
VisitPrinciples for Responsible Management Education
The UCT GSB is committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Our affiliation with the UN PRME helps us produce responsible future leaders.
VisitCampus and locations
Explore the UCT Graduate School of Business’ Cape Town, Johannesburg and Philippi Village campuses.
VisitOur Credentials
Explore why the UCT Graduate School of Business is Africa’s Top Business school.
VisitMasters in Philosophy Inclusive Innovation | UCT GSB | Term Dates
Find the term dates for the UCT GSB Mphil in Inclusive Innovation
VisitPGDip Development Finance Term Dates
Find the term dates for the UCT GSB PGDip Development Finance.
VisitWomen in Business 2021 Speakers
Learn more about the UCT GSB’s 22nd Annual Women in Business Conference speaker line-up.
VisitExecutive Leadership in Global Surgery Course | UCT GSB
The course aims to enable leaders in healthcare in the public, private and voluntary sectors to become change agents within their context.
The UCT GSB Alumni community is a global network of more than 23 000 past UCT GSB students from across 68 countries.
VisitUCT GSB Library
The UCT GSB Library meets the specific needs of UCT's Graduate School of Business student and research communities.
VisitAlignment Workshop
Stop 'alignment' from becoming a buzzword in your organization. Equip yourself to truly navigate chaos and complexity
VisitFeedback And Development Workshop
High-performing teams know how to utilize feedback for maximum returns. Do you?
VisitConfronting With Courage Workshop
The Confrontation with Courage workshop can help you lead with a mixture of values and assertiveness.
VisitBuilding Trust Workshop
Influence, establish and re-enforce trust in your workpace - equpiping leaders to navigate the challenging dynamics of a competitive corporate environment.
VisitAmplifying Talent Workshop
A mentor is so much more than an experienced leader. Find out how to elevate your skills and truly facilitate growth in others.
Study an MBA in Cape Town, South Africa’s most beautiful city, at a globally-ranked business school with a world-class reputation.
Study an MBA in Cape Town, South Africa’s most beautiful city, at a globally-ranked business school with a world-class reputation.
VisitTelkom Advanced Leadership Certificate in Design Thinking Cohort 1
Telkom Advanced Leadership Certificate in Design Thinking Cohort 1 Application Page
VisitTelkom Foundational Managers Programme (ADMD) – Cohort 3
Telkom Foundational Managers Programme (ADMD) – Cohort 3 Page
VisitTelkom Manager of Manager Programme (PGDip) – Cohort 3
Telkom Manager of Manager Programme (PGDip) – Cohort 3
VisitWomen in Business
This forum is a network which seeks to encourage and support the active participation of women in the business sector.
VisitIntroduction to Lean
Learn the key principles of lean and the lean management system with the Introduction to Lean course.
VisitLean Management Development
Gain the skills and mindset to facilitate sustainable organisational improvements with the Lean Management Development Programme.
VisitExecutive Leadership Convention 2023
UCT GSB brings together leadership practitioners, and scholars from the private, public, NGO and entrepreneurial sectors to grow excellence.
VisitInternational Executive Development Programme
Our International Executive Development Programme is aimed to build future-fit organsiations for an increasingly interconnected and globalised world
VisitStandardised Assessments
Prospective students at the UCT GSB will need to submit a standardised assessment score as part of their application process
The UCT GSB’s Finance for Non-financial Managers programme can be customised to meet your organisation’s industry-specific needs.
VisitInternational Student Exchange
UCT GSB students have access to a variety of short and long-term study-abroad opportunities
VisitEMBA Exchange
UCT GSB Executive MBA students can participate in an EMBA Global Network week at any one of our 31 Global Network partner schools.
Support, encouragement and guidance to students and alumni interested in entrepreneurship who intend to own, or currently own, businesses.
VisitAccelerated Management Development
The UCT GSB Accelerated Management Development course is an enlightening short course that equips existing and aspiring managers
VisitFinancial Modelling for Power Project Finance
Unlock Advanced Power Project Finance Expertise: Navigate Investment Decisions with Confidence
VisitAssociate Faculty
Learn about the associate faculty of the UCT Graduate School of Business - find out about their qualifications and experience in their fields.
VisitBusiness Focused Project Management
This course explores the vital link between strategy and project execution, a crucial aspect for any organisation aiming to realise strategic goals.
VisitFundamentals of Community Engagement and Stakeholder Relations
Methods and tools for establishing and sustaining positive relationships with local communities and project stakeholders.
VisitThe Fundamentals of Analysing Context, Impacts, and Risks
The Fundamentals of Analysing Context, Impacts, and Risks
VisitAcademic Programmes | UCT GSB | Short Courses
Explore a variety of UCT GSB academic programs and short courses offered in flexible formats. Find the one that best fits your needs and schedule.
VisitFundamentals of Community Engagement and Social Impact Management
Fundamentals of Community Engagement and Social Impact Management
VisitProfessional Practice in Community Investment and Development
Professional Practice in Community Investment and Development